Monday, September 10, 2007


I am thanking God that I have a better than decent sense of direction and a little experience in this town.

The flight was great. It wasn't full, and no one sat next to me. And I actually managed to sleep a bit. Unfortunately the woman in front of me spilled her vodka tonic all over the place. It spilled on her armrest so it all funneled back to me. She asked if any got on my things. I was like "Yes. There is vodka all over my backpack and shoes." She was like, 'Oh, I am so sorry.' I hope a bus hit her. I was already nursing a really nice hangover from the previous night and the last thing I wanted to do was sit there and smell vodka on an 8 hour flight.

I arrived at Gatwick and took the express train to Victoria Station. I knew the station was close to my dorm, so I decided splurge on a cab since I was carrying at least 90 pounds of luggage. I stood in the taxi line for 10 min., told him where I needed to go. He said "NO"! He told me that it was in walking distance and is right around the corner. 'which corner??' "that one over there." I just stood for a while, waiting for nothing. I finally asked someone at information for directions, and he couldn't believe the cab refused me. I believe the definition of 'walking distance' depends on many factors other than DISTANCE! I finally made it to my dorm, taking breaks every 50 feet or so.

The room wasn't ready until 2, so I had 2.5 hours to wonder. I just took off in a direction trying to kill time. I walked by Parliament, the Abbey, and finally Trafalgar square. I killed time in a coffee shop, etc. Walking back I was trying really hard to 1. look LEFT 2. Not get pickpocketed, considering how tired I was. And 3. retracing my steps exactly so I wouldn't get lost (all while looking left and not get pickpocketed).

Anyway, I picked up my cell phone, checked out my neighborhood near Old Street and have been enjoying the blur that is London on 3 hours of sleep.

Also, London smells strange. It kind of smells like some perfume my grandma would pick up at flea market. It's not so much bad, just weird. Why would a city smell of musk??

Must go! @internet cafe.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chelle! I'm so happy to hear that you made it safely and have a phone. You'll be happy to know that the cubs destroyed St. Louis today and that Milwaukee is currently being crushed by PIT. Please post photos of you room as soon as you are able to do so. Miss you much and I will be looking for new posts all the time. cherio


Unknown said...

DUNKIN DONUTS just opened in Indy. they are planning 80 stores in the Indy area in the next six years. PLEASE COME TO BLOOMINGTON!

Do they have those in London?

Indiana 1
London 0

Michelle said...

Go cubbies! Still tied for first, and they really should be first.... oh well.

I just walked through SoHo and the pubs were full at 2:30 on a tuesday.

Indiana 1
London 1

Michelle said...

I love dunkin donuts.....