I have the most wonderful MSc advisor ever! We are required to turn in a 3,000 word rough draft of our proposal and literature review by Friday, but he looked over my outline and said it was fine. He said to focus on school work right now and he would look it over again after I had a chance to write over break! It is completely against the rules, but who am I to tell my advisor he is breaking the rules when it makes my life so much sweeter...
This YouTube clip is of the most annoyingly infectious song that I keep hearing everywhere in London. I'd like to download it, but it hasn't been released in the US, and I can't buy anything from iTunes UK. lame.
Click here for Munich and Bavarian Alps photos that I should have posted ages ago.
Accordians and Elton dogs - Munich is wonderful! Munich and I have a commoness - I could live there. I like beer, I have an Elton dog, and I can play an accordian (at least when I was eight - all truely Polish people play accordians).
Love Mom
It's true!! My mom and both my aunts played the accordian!
Chellie-I'm so excited you get to come home for Xmas but I don't think I'll be able to see you! (Unless you zoom through Downer's Grove on your way home!! -Wishful thinking...please?!?)
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