Sunday, October 07, 2007

This whole post isn't about the Cubs, don't worry.

I watched the last game of the Cubs season last night at the Sports cafe. The place has a strange atmosphere for a postseason game. I was bobbing my head to "Fame" there for a while while I was watching Soriano hit. (Well, not actually hit.) There was a pretty good Cubs fan showing, many even British, who took the outcome with stride, as only Cubbie fans who are so used to disappointment can do. How did we cope? Tequila and a Top 40 mix!!!

Now for some amusing things that have happened to me the last few days:

I was chatting with an English Cubs fan at the bar. I told him I was from Indiana and he says, "Oh, we just LOVE Peyton Manning here." What?
On the drunk bus home the guy behind me said, "I heard you say you were from Indiana. I just love the Colts, Peyton is like God." What?

This is my favorite. Last night I was walking home from Old Street tube, and this kid, about 11 says, "Do you have a light?" I am wearing my iPod and pretend to not hear him. He apparently believes me because after I pass him he screams, "You F***ING TWAT!!" I am not exactly sure what channel this went through in my brain, but that was pretty much the funniest thing anyone could ever say to me just at that second. I laughed, turned around, and smiled at him. He was horrified that I heard him! He waved his hands and screamed "I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry." Not sure why, but that made my day!

I am sure there are other things, but I have to go so I can yet again exploit another friend for cleans socks and shirts. This is getting old!


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that there are Indiana sports fan in London. I'm a little surprised.

Boy the cubs were a disappointment. Only slightly more disappointing that you have not been online for two days. What gives?


Michelle said...

kb, MOM!!!

I just got a headset from Ashley this a.m. I will be online tonight at 5 pm YOUR TIME.

Talk to you soon!