Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas in Indiana!

Nineteen hours after leaving my temporary Baker Street abode I finally found myself at my cat's house. Noria was very pleased to see me, while Mr. Cornflake ran away! :( He has since chilled, but is still holding a nice grudge against me.

The next morning I woke up to the absolutely fabulous news that I overdrew my checking account the last day I was in London! It was totally my fault, but I still had to try my luck to talk myself out of overdraft fees. In order for success I had to get worked up, and by the time I was in the car driving I was raging mad! The song "Locomotion" came on, and for some reason that really worked well with my anger! If I am ever cast in a car chase scene in a movie, I will definitely insist that song be the background music. ...At the bank I lied alot and looked otherwise pathetic, and it worked!

Then I went to see my American boyfriend. A nice chap named Gabriel, age 4. We had a great time playing with his remote control helicopter. That is until he drove it into my hair.... "GABRIEL, it is stuck in my hair, PLEASE stop pushing the buttons!!!"

Then we played "rave." A nice little inappropriate game I made up one night while I was babysitting. He was crying for his dad, so I did what any normal babysitter would do: Find flashlights, turn of the lights, and play radio 1 while jumping up and down on the bed dancing. When he sees me now, he asks to 'play rave.' Ooops!

Then I had a nice visit with Kris and the cats. Afterwards, I had a lovely dinner with my Aunties and Uncles from Florida and Evansville! I had a Styrofoam snow fight with an adorable new cousin I hadn't met yet and spent time with the family. A. Lovely. Christmas.

I'll post more later. My pumkin pie is cooling and it is time to eat!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The artists of London.


Watching them work.... is like heartburn in a coke can.
But, whatever. It's terribly amusing, and worth the pain.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm totally against sharing personal stories on blogs... but

Since last Thursday evening, when I changed into my clean black T-shirt, and the next day, when I put on my already not-so-clean IU shirt, I've worn no other shirts since.

I am gross, and can't wait to finish my paper - hopefully tonight.

Bah humbug!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nutrition? Yes.... nutrition!

My papers are coming along, not that anyone is the least bit interested in their progress.
But today was just like yesterday, and the day before. Writing all morning, then in the afternoon, then a break, then writing again all evening.

But today's break was different! I saw Kate Middleton (the chick who is doinking the prince). Technically I just saw her feet. But my Wembley friend saw her face and confirmed it was her. I was looking at the ground because I was too busy talking to be celebrity sighting. I wonder how many famous people I pass everyday because I am too busy watching my feet and singing nice songs in my head?

My friend brought me nutritious study snacks, then then we went through the weekly grilling as to whether I have been eating properly, locking my door when I am out, and stressing the need for basic hygiene like cleaning out my hairbrushes. ... or anything else that makes me feel like less of an adult and more like an indignant child. ... but in reality it's probably true because the entire time I just kept smiling, replying "OK, Grandma," and enjoying my sandwich like the cat who got the cream, as all the advice went swish, right through my head.

In public transit news, I had to politely ask two people today to stand on the right. I you are too lazy to walk down the escalator you annoy me. If you stand on the left while you are being lazy on the escalator, thus blocking my constant hustle, you just piss me off!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I can be pleased sometimes, too!

On Friday I ended up going to Tino's Christmas party, which was pretty fun, except for all the Europeans there. Just kidding! My cheeks were kissed about 50 times by people I very well likely will never see again. I like affection, and I like Europe, because they're going to kiss you whether you like it or not! I took my second pie to the party, but four of us (including Tino, don't worry, I'm not completely rude) ate 3/4 of it before we put set it out for other guests.

My next attempt, in January, will be to cook an apple pie from scratch. I will develop domestic skills! - just in my own time.

I am incredibly ready for this week to be over so I can start enjoying a stress free London and a bit of Indiana. What is more incredible is that I have somehow managed to stay pretty upbeat and cheerful in the midst of all this schoolwork! I have so many (welcome) distractions, and I think they are helping me stay on top of things when I am writing my papers.

.....Completely unlike the times in college when I would get really shitty with Kris when he moved the peanut butter. "HOW am I supposed to study without PEANUT BUTTER!?"

Yeah, I am much more chill this time... maybe I am turning into a pro student? That would be lovely. I'd like to never not be a student. And if someone wanted to sponsor me in this goal of mine, that'd be great!

OK, 7 days until Indiana....

The countdown begins.

Only 4,000 words left to write. I planned ahead, and I think it actually worked. I must finish before Thursday evening, because....... the clothes-swap party is going on that night, and I vowed to never miss that fun ever ever again.

So, in addition to trying to get through my last week of 'uni', I'm also preparing for a loaded weekend.

Can you believe I've been in London for 3 months!?
I'll update again later today.... sigh.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Technology is my friend... not my friends...

Ashley and I were chatting on G chat a while ago, and then we both grabbed a snack in the kitchen at the same time. We chatted very briefly, said good night, then went back in our rooms and resumed internet chatting with much fervor.

"OK, where were we?"
"Tino's Facebook photos! ....Oh my God!"

Young people these days....

Pumpkin Soup

I have the most wonderful MSc advisor ever! We are required to turn in a 3,000 word rough draft of our proposal and literature review by Friday, but he looked over my outline and said it was fine. He said to focus on school work right now and he would look it over again after I had a chance to write over break! It is completely against the rules, but who am I to tell my advisor he is breaking the rules when it makes my life so much sweeter...

This YouTube clip is of the most annoyingly infectious song that I keep hearing everywhere in London. I'd like to download it, but it hasn't been released in the US, and I can't buy anything from iTunes UK. lame.

Click here for Munich and Bavarian Alps photos that I should have posted ages ago.

Friday, December 07, 2007

From A-Z (pronounced zee)

I got a bit of writing done today, but I have only chewed away at a little bit of what I need to accomplish. Ah well, at this time next week I will be in the most joyous of moods!

Unlike yesterday, when Camille and I spent 7 hours in my kitchen and I wrote only 51 words.
Also, I have forfeited my invite to Tino's holiday party this evening. That is the whole reason I made the pies. But, now I have a whole other pumpkin pie all to myself.... and those who keep insisting on having some, even though they are not welcome (see roommate Josiah).

After spending seven hours in the kitchen, the rest of my evening was spent at a quiz night, where I was drilled on state nicknames. Ohio: Buckeye State. Indiana: Hoosier State. This concludes my knowledge of state nicknames.

Little else is new here. My friends are very busy this weekend, which is great since I could do without any distractions. I'd really like to finish these papers by Wed. night, so that on Thursday I can take photos of London for my mom, and go shopping on Friday. Most likely I will finish Friday at 5, then go straight to the pubs with my coursemates. Shucks!

PHOTO: That man is the Sullivan, Indiana "fat Elvis" impersonator. During the day, however, he has the rough task of being the mayor of Sullivan, Indiana. I'll be home soon!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

What is the first thing you think about when someone says "London"?

If it isn't Big Ben or Harrods, it's probably rain.

It does rain an awful lot here. Mostly it isn't a big deal. You carry an umbrella, you get wet, you get over it. What is strange is that people who actually live here seem to think it is a strange phenomenon.

Just this morning I looked out my window and thought, "Alright, it's raining. It is a boots and umbrella day." But when I was leaving Warren Street Tube station the exit was blocked by people waiting to unfold their umbrellas (because rain water CAN kill you) or just simply waiting for the already mild drizzle to die down. This really annoys me. You live in London. It rains here. What is the problem?

One specific incident of this nature happened last Friday, when I was meeting a friend for dinner. I won't name this friend, but I will say that he is an abnormally tall, mildly anal retentive Indian man. The first thing he said was, "I am warning you, it's raining." No sh*t, I was just outside! After dinner he nearly insisted we stay at the restaurant for drinks "because of the weather." It's not like there is lightning, or strong winds, or anything else outside that could possibly pose a threat! There was no way I was staying at a Mexican themed bar all night, plus I had agreed to meet Ashley just a hop away in SoHo. So I convince him to step outside.

So, he actually "prepares" himself for the rain (again, because it will KILL you) before he leaves the restaurant. Then he pouts like a child for about five minutes while walking to SoHo in the rain (no umbrella, because WHY would you carry an umbrella in this town?). He actually makes some kind of comment about what it is going to do to his hair, which is about three-quarters of an inch long. Just hours before I actually used a hairdryer to make mine "straight and pretty," but I wasn't upset, because again... sometimes it rains here.

This concludes my rant about British people.
The photo: That is of my bus stop on Oxford Circus. It often looks like that. You know, wet!

UPDATE 1: I finished my chlamydia paper last night. Now I am having a hard time getting into the HPV mindframe. Uhhh, is it the 14th yet?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cellophane's Dead.

I don't want to read anymore journal articles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HPV HPV HPV HPV HPV times infinity!

On the upside it is 55 and sunny outside today. On the downside I am stuck in the library. At least I am next to a window on the 4th floor and I can stare up at the sky and the BT tower...

Making pie tonight for Tino's Christmas party on Friday that I most definitely shouldn't be going to.

I am thinking of things that I would like to have with me in London that I foolishly left at home. Can someone please find my stuffed microbe Borrelia burgdorferi? I'd really like to have a snuggle with it when I go to bed.

.... and I definitely got a B on that presentation... you know, the one I did on the wrong type of vaccine! Anyway, it could've been worse!

Pies are cooling in the window.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I am currently in a campus computer lab...

And the guy in front of me is wearing an IU Hoosiers sweatshirt.


Monday, December 03, 2007

My Christmas Plans.

Dear Mastercard,
I love you.
And you will soon love me, too.

I am coming home! I will arrive in Indianapolis on the 17th at approximately 5.15 pm! I will have 10.5 days to eat at Denny's, Taco Bell, Dat's and consume many a drink in the Video Saloon and Diamond Barbecue.

Cornflake and Noria!!! and ted.
--very exciting, indeed!

That extra inviting photo was taken in my home town... oh well, at least the people I love are there!

PS: Someone phone Dunkin' Donuts and ask them bump up production. I will be in Chicago for 4 hours total.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

My brother is a YouTube Superstar!!

He is the guy on the far left in the blazer and blue shirt. The best shots of this dashing young man, who is half me genetically, can be found between 28 and 41 seconds. He then cheekily moves to his left and gets out of frame.... Terry!

I am really busy.

I have 7,500 words due next week, as well as a 15 minute audio presentation. Therefore, I will be very busy and updating my blog with greater frequency to escape my studies.

Recently, I've been working on a ten minute presentation on polysaccharide conjugated vaccines. The research is exciting because I get to venture back into the microbiology section of the library, a part of my life I miss. And I love it, and mycobacteria, no matter how wrong that is. It's. Just. Cool.

Anyway, I was trying to organize my time earlier and found some interesting entries in my student planner. Many don't even make sense to me. See below.

10 Sept. - ARRIVE IN LDN!!!
11 Sept. - f*ck around 'till 5. eat food.
2 Oct. - M@~5. food.
4 Oct. - Dance socks off.
5 Oct. - Sleep socks off.
*9 Oct. - Laundry
Donald Rum.
1 Nov. - Wear a dress. food.
2 Nov. - Get Krunked?
3 Nov. - Sparklers! Jo's tea house. Streatham.
- Manish @ 8.
- Camden 4 Shar's birthday.
- sleep 4 eva.
**15 Nov. - Mad fix $. (Unhappy face) (Student loans crossed out twice).
26 Nov. - Donald Rum.

* My personal favorite. As you can see, Donald Rumsfeld gets 2 mentions in my student planner. Once right under the chore of laundry. I have no memory of writing Donald Rum. in my diary once, let alone twice. Nor do I understand why I would have done this. Thoughts?
** I believe I was to ask my friend Manish to organize my student loans. That never happened, and I am only a fraction of a percent sure that's what it means.

A nonsense blog. You like?

Monday, November 26, 2007

It was a hit!!

After 24 hours of stressing, our meal was a huge success. We had way more food than we had anticipated, even now it still won't all fit in our fridge. About ten of us chowed down in our dorm kitchen. I would say half were American, and the other half were delighted to take on the overeating tradition. (Me: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't all fit on your plate. You should mash it all together.. it tastes better that way.") I think people were impressed that the girls who 'can't cook' put together an impressive little feast. Low standards rule!

And my pies were delicious! I went to Waitrose yesterday to buy 2 more cans of pumpkin... because when I find something that I am good at making, I just stick with it (see spaghetti, french toast.... that's about it...).

After a grand amount of wine and champagne, we chatted until 1 am. Ashley and I headed out to burn of the thanksgiving calories with an hours worth of dancing. On the return 3 am bus ride home I sat by the most repulsive drunk kids. "No, she has bad AIDS, not good AIDS. You can tell by the pox on her face. It is definitely the bad kind." As a microbiologist I was seething. On top of that, there was a guy sitting across from me making really spirited facial expressions and motioning with his hands. So of course that pissed me off. As I was leaving the bus, I shot the Bad AIDS guy a dirty look and noticed the girl next to me was also gesturing - to the guy in front of me. It's just that at 3 am on a London night bus you would never assume a person pantomining wildly would be deaf. Oooops!

Anyway... thanks to everyone that called or IM'd me on Thanksgiving! It really cheered me up! Unfortunately we were all unable to be with our parents on the 2nd most important holiday, but
the dinner company and calls from home made it a not-so-depressing, and definitely memorable, holiday.

Munich post is coming along... there is a lot to go through and it will be in some kind of soon.

Friday, November 23, 2007


It is Thanksgiving central in the Lewis/Metcalf kitchen. Remember the days of recipes handwritten in your grandmother's handwriting? That era is over. Ashley, Richard, and I each have our laptops out, studying them every few moments to see if we are following the necessary steps for our individual dishes.

I made two pumpkin pies, and am currently making deviled eggs. And the turkey has been de-legged and de-feathered (gross) and it is now in the oven.

Last night it took 3 grocery stores and 2.5 hours do NOT find any ham or turkey. Today, it took a 7.30 am call time, 5 grocery stores to finally find pumkin in a can, a 5 kg turkey, and ham.

It WILL be Thanksgiving after all!
And can you believe I made a pie?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Oh Dear!

I totally stopped blogging.
My complete and utter apologies.
Tomorrow you will get a L-O-N-G Munich post.
And from thereon out I will post every other day.

The Munich Post

This is a Munich post I started forever ago. It covers the first 24 hours of the trip.

The flight there:

Our flight was at 8:05 in the morning. The night before our flight, at around 1 in the morning, I realized we had to be there at 7.15, and no later, to check in. That was fine, because if we left our house at 6:00 am we would get to Liverpool Station fifteen minutes later, then catch the 30 min. train to the airport, and BAM, we'd be there by 6.45. The only problem was that by some sort unnatural phenomenon, one hour actually disappeared from our morning, causing us to arrive at the EasyJet desk 2 minutes after our flight left.

We are cheeky though, and marched up to the counter and said, 'We'd like to check in for the Munich flight." The reply, "Umm, no... you're flight already left." We merrily paid only 35 pounds to fly out on the next flight to Munich... at 6.40 pm. So, Ashley and I spent 10.5 hours of quality time together in the metal barn that is Standsted Airport. It actually wasn't that bad! ... kind of fun actually.

The only problem I can recall was that someone, perhaps a child, was playing a plastic recorder. It went on for a while, so I looked behind Ashley to give me ultra bitchy glare, and it was a woman, a grown woman. She had sheet music and everything. This grown, nearly elderly woman, was taking her plastic intrument far too seriously for an airport Costa Coffee shop. I was running on 3 hours of sleep and stuck in an airport and wanted to shove the little flute down... anyway.

We eventually landed arount 9 pm Munich time. And her most wonderful college friend, Prashant, picked us up at the airport. He had snacks, and everything. Best. Tour. Guide. Ever.
We had a huge dinner at a restaurant and met P's girlfriend, a lovely German girl.

We found our hostel, a nice co-ed room with four beds and an en-suite bathroom. We unlocked the door to find our new roommate Christoff standing directly in front of us. Not a big deal, until Ashley moved aside and all I could see was that he was wearing blue tighty whities - and nothing else. We shook his hand and introduced ourselves, thinking "don't look down!," as if everything were completely normal and natural.
He was gone by the time we woke up in the morning, phew!

The Alps
Amazing. We took a 2 hour train from Munich to south Germany into and through the Alps!

Monday, November 12, 2007

This weekend was....

a wreck... details excluded.

My international relations friends were dead to me this weekend because they have papers and presentations all week, so I kept occupied with the summer '06 crew.

On Wednesday I met up with my Wembley friend , who happened to be in a bar around the corner. He was in 'tip-top' drinking shape, (well, at least he was 2 hours before I arrived), and I enjoyed myself completely by abusing the drunk friend.

Then on Thursday I went out around the Hoxton area with Sharif, who works a block from my house. After that I met up with some friends near Picadilly. Eventually I paid 7 pounds to get into a club to wonder around looking for my Wembley friend, while ten minutes later I get a text saying he was outside and was ready to go to a different establishment. Baaaastard. The evening was burnt at that point. That, my friends, is three hours of minimum wage work pissed down the throat of a cheesy central London club. I'm not bitter.

On Friday I went to work, in my same jean skirt, tights, and boots, because I couldn't be 'bothered' to change out of them from either side of entering my bed. I waited for deliveries and one delivery man asked if I had a private elevator to 'my' apartment. I was like, I don't live here, I am the cleaner. I got the toe-to-head, head-to-toe lookdown. He then insisted upon leaving his number. Next time, I am definitely taking the time to put on jeans before work.

Then I went home and went straight to bed... haha.

On Saturday, I went to a greasy spoon with Sharif, and had the English fry up for the second week in a row. Goodbye healthy arteries! Later in the evening he took me to Brick Lane to see the international restaurant row. Much like Bloomington's, except not really. The night ended with a lot of tears after watching Sicko, a fine, fine movie.

Then I got an astounding amount of work done on my papers that are due this week, before I go to Munich, (which after this week's workload, cannot come soon enough! ... am I right?)

The best moment of my week, however, was when I left class on Thursday and the heavens opened up when I was about one block away from my school. I 'forgot' my umbrella (at least I forgot it was in my backpack!) and got totally soaked. But, for the bright moment, I saw a woman fighting with her umbrella after the wind turned it inside out and the handle just snapped off right where it meets the fabric. She just stood there, swinging it around and screamed at me, laughing, "Did you see that? DID YOU SEE THAT?" We chatted and laughed about being soaked and the demise of her nice umbrella for a while. And that was a fine Londoner moment.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's been a while, but I am alive.

Not a whole lot is new! I've just been really busy with school, etc. My second exam went well too, so I am very pleased.

I just finished booking a trip to Munich for the 16th to the 19th. Ashley and I are going to see one of her friends from college who has lived there for over a year, so we will have a great tour guide. We are looking into taking a train into the Alps. I've never seen really really great mountains (though I do love the Smokies, I don't think they are on the same level as the Alps or Rockies). We are travelling on EasyJet, the world's most complicated airline, full of red tape and backdoor fees. But on a positive note, we are staying in a nice youth hostel that holds only 4 people to a room, and is practically free. It also comes with free breakfast! Score!

Yesterday was Guy Fawkes day. He tried to blow up Parliament and now it is a national holiday. I find this interesting. Anyway, I really didn't get to see any of the fireworks. But I did go to a classmates' housewarming party in South London Saturday to celebrate a little bit. There were about 40 people in the most quintessential English 'back garden' with sparklers. The view from the top of the stairs in the backyard was of about 80 arms with sparklers going in different directions. Needless to say, an enjoyable sight. I had a good time with my sparklers, after I got over the fact I was going to be seriously injured by any of the other 80 flaming arms...

Then on Saturday, I had dinner with a friend from last summer, then celebrated the birthday of my other friend from last year in Camden Town. Camden-- enough said, it was a long night.

Then on Sunday I was a miserable wreck all day, and watched the Colts get beat only slightly by the Pats. There is something about sports that makes you drink just a bit too much. The loss really didn't bother me.... at the time.

That is all for now!

Oh, wait... It is dark at 5 p.m. here. This pisses me off. More on this tomorrow....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

There is.... place like home London!
Sorry, dudes!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Raging Giraffe

Ok, fine. I'll update.

The weekend: Thursday was covered below.
Friday I worked and then studied all day (from now on shortened to s.a.d.). Then I went to a club called The Sway. We got there at 9.00 p.m. and left at 3.00 a.m., totally forgetting to dance. But, on the up side, my heals lasted all day!
On Saturday, I s.a.d. Then I went sightseeing with some of my 'flatmates.'

Saturday evening I got dropkicked and freefalled into some other London. It all started by going to see the movie Stardust with Tube Guy. (An A movie for an A+ book, by the way!). We then went to celebrate England's World Cup Rugby victory (they actually lost...) in a pub with his friends. His friends were on their way out when we arrived, but they had plans to go to a club called Babushka on the Kings Road in Chelsea (where I stayed last year). There was a line outside the club and I just thought, "Man, I am not up for this." Then his friend James' sister Kitty nodded to the bouncer and all nine of us got in without a wait, or a fee. Fabulous! Then after dancing got old we went to Harry's house. Harry's house is in Battersea and is entirely decorated with original artwork, even some cartoons in the bathroom! Adorable. All of us dancing guests (9 of us ranging from 20-60) were served a 2:30 a.m. midnight snack of toast, scrambled eggs, caviar and champaign. And it actually wasn't that bad! Somewhere in there it was finally time to go the houseboat where James' and his 'dad' (or something) live. It was right on the Thames in Chelsea. It swayed a little and made my drunk tummy feel ick, but it had a great view of the city! Then we all chatted for quite while and viola the tubes were open! I tell you, all British people want to do is have a bit of beer and a nice laugh.

Then I napped and s.a.d. Then I got sick (I think it goes without saying that I did a tad too much this weekend). Then I s.a.d. Monday. On Tuesday I did the whole 5 a.m. wakeup on Tuesday to study for my first exam, which I think went very very well.

Today I caught up on sleep to cure my cold, and I think it is working. --And god, tomorrow is the weekend again. Just lovely!


Friday, October 19, 2007


Went to TigerTiger last night with my friends Richard and Sharif. No bombs. Wahoo!

This is what I did today.... I babysat an apartment and cleaned it thoroughly. This is what I got: A wad of cash that I later examined, which turned out to be fifty pounds.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This city is better than Jesus!

Just kidding Marlyn and Mom!!!

Anyway, I GOT HPV! I am EEElated. Many people didn't even get their 4th choice projects. I got my first. I suppose it's because I am an MMB (that is what we call ourselves: Medical Molecular Biologists...) SUPERSTAR.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Ok, so this is cool

I answered an ad on (like craigslist) and I am now a maid for a dopey 20 something guy who is 'too busy' to run a vacuum. He does something business related that made me space out.... anyway, he is going to pay me ten quid an hour to clean for 3 hours a week.

Hizzah. That is like getting a free tube pass and free cellphone.

Not like disposable income, but who needs that?

Oh, and I am currently handwashing my underwear in a turkey pan in my bedroom. Clearly life in London is all glamour... at least I'm not washing Ashley's....

Mom: I just spent forever picking up walnuts from the lawn.
Me: What a waste of time!
Mom: You tell me! I hate it, but the lawn mower hates it more, and I love the lawn mower.
hahah. mom....

Friday, October 12, 2007


Last night I had my first cooking lesson. My tutor didn't even know how to turn on the oven either. In the end I was the only one brave enough to stick my head in the oven and hover a lighter around until it lit. Goodbye knuckle hair. Because of my bravery I passed with distinction before I really even started, so I only barely chopped some vegetables and warmed the brie. I preferred this.

After our delicious chicken dinner, Ashley, Richard and I decided to for a dance near Old Street. We didn't want to stay out late, so we thought 'stay close.' After walking 25 minutes in each direction looking for an operating ATM we finally found one 4 blocks away. I took out ten pounds only to have it say 'out of order' just after it spit my card and money out. My friends were livid.

A few minutes later we saw a DJ through the window of a club across the street from my house and decided to check it out. From the outside it was apparent people were dancing, and there were cords dangled across the room with laundry clips on them. Whatever, it was only a 3£ cover....

The bouncer looked through our bags, checked our IDs, charged us our cover and then asked us if we had heard the rules yet. 'There are rules?' He laughed and said, 'Nevermind, you'll really have a good time.' As we walk in there is a huge sign that says 'Swap-o-rama Night.' Crap. What does this mean? Then you look around and see lots of men in dresses. What is this? Look up and you see nothing but clothes flying in each direction over your head. Awesome! Let the clothes swapping begin! I liked all my clothes, so I just picked up something from the ground, it was a really ugly skirt. I put it on (over my jeans and shirt... thank you) and danced for a bit, then this guy was like, 'Trade you that skirt for this dress.' Why not? A few songs later I traded that dress for a sports coat, then that for a much cooler dress shirt, then the shirt for a black bra. After that it is blurry... but at the end of the night I left with a pink chiffon dress, a really neat striped Gilligan hat, and a headband. This is good: Richard got hot, so put his Berkeley sweatshirt in a ball in the corner. And can you imagine, it was gone at 1 when we left? HAHA! He left the club in a very 80s shirt that had orange sunglasses over the chest. And Ashley in a red stretch shirt.

I am going to this swap-a-rama every time it's on!
OK. Back to the books!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

let's see this year through

Today, was a restless day in a restless week! I just returned from the doctor. You will be glad to hear that I am in perfect health and can now start taking advantage of this free health care system as if I were a British citizen. Isn't this country wonderful? I also turned in my project sheet today. In about a week I will find out which project I will be working on for the next year. These were the organisms in order of my preference: 1. HPV 2. Neisseria meningitis 3. Trichomonas vaginalis. All microbes, which was most important to me. Tv would be interesting because I've never worked with a protozoan before. Either way, I'll be happy with the project. As soon as I find out which one I am doing, I will let you know the (broad) details of the actual experiment.

In other school news, we were talking about shotgun cloning and the professor asked us why it was called 'shotgun' cloning. He said, "Why not rifle? Does anyone here know what the difference is between a shotgun and a rifle?" Silence ... "Oh, I thought we had some Americans in here. I'm sure they'd know."

My laundry day on Sunday was a bit of an embarrassment. I brought over my laundry (and Ashley's of course, that slut). I was asked if I needed some detergent, but I brought over my own because I didn't want to be a total mooch. Then I hear, "Have you been doing you
r laundry with this?" Yes, once. "Dear, this is laundry softener." CRAP. I felt like he enjoyed that, really enjoyed that.... That explains why the stink from the flight never really wore out of the IU shirt. For the record, Ashley bought the "detergent," Not me.

I have been in London for exactly one month now. Why am I sad that the year is already 1/12 over?

The photo: My school, which is right next to the wonderful BT Tower. If you have seen V for Vendetta, that is where Natalie Portman's character works, as well as where V breaks in to take over London's airwaves. God, that's a great movie...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

This whole post isn't about the Cubs, don't worry.

I watched the last game of the Cubs season last night at the Sports cafe. The place has a strange atmosphere for a postseason game. I was bobbing my head to "Fame" there for a while while I was watching Soriano hit. (Well, not actually hit.) There was a pretty good Cubs fan showing, many even British, who took the outcome with stride, as only Cubbie fans who are so used to disappointment can do. How did we cope? Tequila and a Top 40 mix!!!

Now for some amusing things that have happened to me the last few days:

I was chatting with an English Cubs fan at the bar. I told him I was from Indiana and he says, "Oh, we just LOVE Peyton Manning here." What?
On the drunk bus home the guy behind me said, "I heard you say you were from Indiana. I just love the Colts, Peyton is like God." What?

This is my favorite. Last night I was walking home from Old Street tube, and this kid, about 11 says, "Do you have a light?" I am wearing my iPod and pretend to not hear him. He apparently believes me because after I pass him he screams, "You F***ING TWAT!!" I am not exactly sure what channel this went through in my brain, but that was pretty much the funniest thing anyone could ever say to me just at that second. I laughed, turned around, and smiled at him. He was horrified that I heard him! He waved his hands and screamed "I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry." Not sure why, but that made my day!

I am sure there are other things, but I have to go so I can yet again exploit another friend for cleans socks and shirts. This is getting old!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Me and London are too hard in love....

'Cause of bright lights and house music.
I went to this place tonight called AKA [pronounced Ahhh Kaaah. :) ] with my nerd squad, TigerTiger friends Ashley and I met 2 weeks ago.
Otherwise known as 'The End.'

I missed seeing Neil Gaiman tonight because of bad, bad planing techniques. London is soo busy, how am I to catch all of these things?? And no one has anything to say about me seeing Ryan Seacrest, are you kidding me?

I think I picked my master's project. It is on a sexually transmitted disease, which may sound strange, but that is what I really want to study. Cross your fingers that I get to tackle the syphilis! No chlamydia this year, kids! In other news, immunopathology is going to kill my spirit this year.... I will be studying hard, harder than ever, all weekend, every weekend. Thank God Thursday is the new Saturday!

In other news, that irrational attachment I have to London is wearing off. I feel like if I leave, go to Europe for a weekend, it WILL still be here when I come back. So, Ashley and I are planning a trip to Munich in November. I am also planning a little ditty in Amsterdam as soon as possible, depending on J.Riddle. Thoughts on where else I should go?

Time for bed! Go CUBS!!! PLAYOFFS!!! EAT THAT UNCLE AL!!! Yes, what do you have to say about that!?!?!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Egg on yo' face!

I just returned home from the library, where I studied about restriction endonucleases all morning. Who knew there was that much to know? I was quite sure I knew all about them already. And why did I spend all morning studying something that is 1/100th of one of my four classes? Boo.

I didn't go anywhere yesterday. I needed a break from the Tube. Saturday was laundry day, and I spent one hour going five stops only to have the train terminate 3 stops early. A voice over the loudspeaker, presumably the Tube God, said, "The next train south will be departing at platform 2." Me and my fellow commuters ran to the next platform. The train was packed full of people before my short little Polish legs could get near the train. Which as fine, because the train just sat there for 4 minutes. I just stared at all of the squished people, and they stared back. Meanwhile I was carrying all of my dirty clothes, and my flatmate's, too. Then the Tube God said, "Sorry, the next departing southbound train will be departing from platform 1." I had a headstart this time!! So I ran in front of everyone who had been 'lucky' enough to beat me the first time. Everyone had to push their way out of the train before they could make it back over. By then I was cozy with a seat and everything! Then God came over the loud speaker again and said, "My fault, all back to platform 2. Sorry. Again, my fault."

20 min later I was at the correct tube stop. Then 20 minutes on a bus. Then 10 minutes on foot. Not sure if it is worth saving the 7 pounds on laundry. ...

Hoxton sure is a busy place. Last night people were screaming outside my window until about 3 a.m. This is an everyday occurrence. My flatmate Ashley and I bought eggs yesterday at the store. I am not sure how illegal our little plan is... I'll let you know how this goes...

I have some night out photos up. I know how popular those are!

Next post: America vs. Europe: The good and the bad.

Friday, September 28, 2007

I wouldn't think so....

Tonight wasn't Saturday night, it was Friday night. Tell that to me and Ashley a few hours ago.

This 4 day (5 day for Ashley) weekend really screws you up! Doesn't matter. After noon tomorrow it will be all business!
But tonight was the first night out for the camera. Some good ones coming!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

You make me want to activate my oncogenes. (and my first celebrity sighting!)

It was my first week of school, so I think I can be excused for not blogging!

School isn't too intense yet. But, life will be over shortly... They structure classes so strangely here. We don't have a finals week, but a finals month. June. No one talk to me in June. OK, thanks. I take all of these classes (6 total) and take the finals for 2 weeks in June. I get to pick it in the next 2 weeks. (Cross your fingers that I get chlamydia...) I have to read every paper ever about the organism/system and write a project proposoal by December. All with the classes, and with their papers, and their paper bashing, and their poster projects, etc. I just want to get a project I will love (chlamydia) so it will be fun and not work (chlamydia). This weekend I am going to read over all of the labs, then meet with profs next week to discuss (the chlamydia).

I had molecular therapeutics and molecular diagnostics today. Therapeutics is like molecular biology and it's ethical and legislative components all together at once! And the professor keeps class interesting and entertaining, and knows everything! She is like IU's Winkie! I was dreading sitting in class for three (3!!!) hours but it was over before I knew it...

My classmates and I then headed off to diagnostics for another 3 hours of fun-filled-bio-learning! And it was TERRIBLE. The professor cannot do public speaking whatsoever! I feel bad for him, but, dude, you are a professor... I was really surprised because he is youngish and really really nice looking. But, everyone (EVERYONE) was looking around to see if this was serious. If he had to read something from a sheet of paper, he would put it over his face about an inch from his nose. We had a break an hour and a half in and half the class packed up their things and left. My friend and I were laughing outside about the general response from the class (Again, I do feel bad for him, and I wouldn't ever leave, because that is mean...) and one guy asked us if we still had a pulse... At one point the professor said, "I hope you find molecular diagnostics interesting..." The class all started laughing. It was really funny, but I felt really guilty... because I couldn't help but laugh too.

I was going to give this it's own post, but frankly he isn't worth it. You'll see.--- After class I went to Lilywhites (Picidilly Circus) to see if I could get some yoga pants for my 7:00 p.m. pilates class. This is what happened: They took my money. I bought bangles for goddsakes. BANLGES! I will be wearing those stupid bangles in my grave, just out of shame. Anyway, as I was walking by Eros (really famous statue) at P. Circus to go to my gym, I had to sneeze, and so I turn all the way back around (habit - not sure why). I saw a camera, and thought, "Huh, what is being filmed?" Ryan Seacrest. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I walked right past him and didn't notice. Thank God I sneezed! Then I went to class.

Terry: Where the * are you? E-mail me ( and then get on Yahoo so we can talk.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I will update this about 4 pm LDN time. That is when I will have all the details about school.
Please cross your fingers/pray/whataver you do so that I don't have this Friday class that randomly appeared on my schedule.

UPDATE: Yeah, I don't really feel like it now. Perhaps this evening!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Let's play Ketchup.

THURSDAY: Ashley and I gathered our dirty things (ie. everything) and did some much needed laundry. (It was day three in my blue argyles...) The launderette (what a ridiculous word) in our complex is 3£ per load, so we called e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e in London - in the north, in the south- to find somewhere cheaper. It is 3£ everywhere. We sucked it up, combined our 3 loads of clothes. Then we each vowed to do everything possible make a friend with washing/drying facilities in our travel zone. (Success: see Friday) Then it was 20 pence to dry. Not too bad. Oh wait, the machine stops after 3 minutes. So, make that 20 pence every 3 minutes! We just kept throwing 20p coins in the machines. Finally, when we were out of even our copper (1 and 2p coins [complete junk, usually]) we just walked home with damp clothes. I've had them scattered around my room for the past 48 hours.

Later in the evening I went to a 'girls night' event with a facebook friend at a posh bar near Trafalgar. A professional stylist curled my hair. Well, it was given a good wave, which lasted approximately 1 hour. I did get a goodie bag with all sorts of nice things. Earlier in the evening the club had only girls in it, which was really fun. At about 10 they started letting men in. This was the first time (and last time) in history I had a hand at getting a man kicked out of a club. Later, Ashley and I went dancing at TigerTiger, to commemorate school starting, when nothing will be the same!

FRIDAY: OK.... I slept late. Really late. Anyway, by the time I was finally awake and functioning it was about time to go ice skating, which, by the way- I am really good at. ... or at least good considering I had only skated once before. I was better than most newbies. In fact, one girl was inching her way along, holding on to the edge of the rink and fell. Instinctively she grabbed whatever she could. What did she grab? My hair. Luckily, she must have realized what she did and let go because I didn't go down. And good for her, because my feet had actual blades attached to them, and I was much more skilled at using them, and she was already down. But, nah, she let go, so I was a good sport.

I felt bad because ice-skating was expensive, so I treated my friend to a game of bowling. This costs 12 dollars/person. This made me! He told me he thought we were also required to rent shoes. I pretended I didn't hear him. In London, I am considered a really really good at bowler. He asked me why I was so good. I am from Indiana, I say. (I bowled an 80!!!) Then we went to a pub boat on the embankment and took in some nice night time views of the city. Priceless! And my friend lives in zone 2 (Brixton....) and has a washer and dryer. Because I am willing to sacrifice being knived for free, clean laundry. Ashley has also stated that the risk is well worth it.

TODAY: I started getting sick so I rested a lot. Finally I got up and went to one of my favorite museums in London, the Tate Modern. What a great place! A lot of people go there to just hang out all day. I know this because there is one really long wall that is painted black. There are couches facing the wall and people are constantly sitting there sleeping, reading, drawing, writing, etc. It is mostly great for this reason: I was walking around and saw some 'creamer cups.' You know, those things you get at gas stations and put in coffee to make it taste delicious. NO ONE PUTS CREAM IN COFFEE HERE. They use milk. And usually skim milk. They are degenerates (when it comes to coffee). I walked FAST to the cafe, bought a cup of coffee and put 3 little cups of cream in my coffee (it wasn't half and half...) and one little cup of milk. This is what it tasted like: Goddamn heaven.

New photos:

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What a long night!!!

Finally figured my way around the night buses. It may be 4.15 before I am home (now...) but I made it!

And it really didn't take too long.
It was a fun night, but I am not too into the typing mood now.
'Till morning.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Too many KBs in the kitchen...

Here are a few things I am decently good at:
Finding my way around.
Sounding like Bob Dylan.

However, there are some things that I am admittedly not good at.
Playing pool.
Keeping my shoe-laces tied for any appropriate amount of time.
And cooking.

I planned my first prepared meal in my new kitchen: Store-bought tortellini with sauce, fresh green beans, and ciabbata bread. Not a half bad meal for me....

I cut a slit in the pasta package, pour some water in and put it in the microwave. My friend Ashley gives me hell for not doing things the old-fashioned way (something about a stove and a pot...). I say, "uhhhhh, the package says you can do it like this."

I put a bit of olive oil in the pan, throw in the green beans and wait for them to be edible.... This Chinese girl Tan-Tan asks why I've put it on such low heat. I shrug and turn it up just a little. Then the noises start. Tan-Tan starts ducking. She asks very helfully and politely, "Just what are you trying to do with the beans?" Just cook them, I say.... She turns the heat down to wear I'd swear it had just been and boom they are perfect.

I'm almost finished with dinner and realize I forgot about my bread. I like to eat my pasta on my bread, so I slice it in half, put a bit of pasta sauce on it, throw on some cheese, and put it in the microwave. Ashley says, "What they hell are you trying to do to that bread?"

It tasted good. I wish everyone would just leave me alone to my kitchen!!!

In other news, Ashely really wanted to go to ASDA's (Wal-Mart) today. I take her to one near Battersea (south Thames) where I used to go before. I only knew one way to get there so it was a huge pain. I really hate having to pay for the 2 pound journey to Wembly, and I am still bitter about having to pay twice on Saturday. So after about 30 min on the tube and another 30 on a bus, and 25 min total on foot we're there! ... and I paid 6 dollars for hair styling mousse that would have certainly cost 87 cents at home. Sigh......

Tomorrow I am errand-running and finally taking pictures. And I really have to do laundry. Such boring things!! Then I might go out with my friends to Haymarket to go dancing. Then Friday I am going ice-skating.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


What a wonderful night in London!!!
First I got my class schedule.... which I will update on later. But it will be a lot of work. Thank God!

Then I went out for a few pints with a new friend, which was pretty fun. More importantly, I met my new BFF. And it is a GIRL! Thank goodness, I need a girl in this town! All my friends before were guys, and meeting girls (when you are a girl) is nearly impossible...

Anyway, more on all of this later.


Mom wanted a photo of my room. I added a few more from Indiana. I really haven't taken many here, other than really terrible ones after the Prince show, which I would never put on the internet...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Nothing Compares 2 Prince.

The Artist BLEW away all of my expectations! My seats failed to hold up to my expectations, though. We were in the second to last row. But, after a while we decided we could be more dancy if we took up the last row instead. I think we had more fun than anyone else there. Or, we just drank more than anyone else there. Not that it matters. These are 5 songs that will never be the same:

What A Wonderful World
Purple Rain (of course)
Nothing Compares 2 U
Raspberry Beret

My body certainly feels like it spent a night out dancing. But I think I was actually in bed by 1. What a night!

I thought the 02 arena was going to be huge- it is the largest domed arena. But - and this is what is cool about it - the dome actually covers a variety of venues and TONS of bars and restaurants. It's like a world in a tent - very Truman Show-esque. So, in the end our seats were more than close enough to see Prince well!! And we got free CDs!

I didn't take photos though. We went pubbing in my area, but my camera batteries died and I couldn't wait six hours (KIDDING!!!). ;)

Anyway. Prince might be the highlight of the year!!! Yet -so soon!!

In other news, I am over being in London with nothing to do. They give international students SO MUCH TIME! I don't start classes until next Monday. But, I find out my class schedule tomorrow, so at least I can start hitting up the recommended reading lists. I am really antsy to be a student again.

But, for the rest of the week I do have a lot of errands to do. And I also plan to use this time to hit up the museums I missed out last time.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Stella and I have been fully reacquainted.

I am finally fully functioning in London time. I had a wonderful sleep last night and didn't feel at all like a blob today!

About London, I know from experience that it is the most dangerous place on the planet.... if you can't always remember to look in the non-intuitive direction when crossing streets. A double-decker and me almost got really really intimate yesterday.

I think everyone has heard the old wise-tale that people on the tube never make eye contact. I would like to then know why everyone on the tube feels like striking up a conversation with me!! The most interesting example of this happened yesterday, when a guy my age came on the tube and started talking to me one stop before I was to get off. I would like to know what he said, but I was listening to my iPod. So I just nodded. A minute later I put my iPod away because I hate trying to do it on the escalators and in the busy stations. All of a sudden he was chatting me up, and I said, "OK, this is my stop, buh-bye." He asked for my number... by then the doors had open. I told him I didn't know it (which is true!!). He insisted on getting OUT OF THE TRAIN and putting his number in my phone. Whaaat??? Everyone on my train just stared at us, probably seconding my emotion (total shock). It was really really mortifying....

Thursday and Friday I saw my friends from last summer. That was really nice. It made London seem less foreign. It was also nice to see familiar faces, even if they weren't ones from home... The trouble is that it was really hard to understand them. But, now I know that a "do" is a party, and a "bird" is a lady. And that you can be banned from an internet company for being a hell bent racist.... against your own race (Indians......).

Anyway, I am really happy to be here! I thought it would be euphoric at first, but it wasn't, which really disappointed me the first day. It seemed like I had just been here yesterday, but when I thought about it that made me feel really confident and reassured about coming back.

Tomorrow is the Prince concert!! Unfortunately that means I can't watch the Colts game!!! But the CUBS are in FIRST PLACE!! Up by 1.5 games. St. Louis has fallen apart!!! WHAT!WHAT!


Friday, September 14, 2007

Lies, all lies!!

I experienced so many lies when I was preparing to move in here.
Such as the internet being 12 dollars/week. NOT TRUE!!! It if free! Whoopee!!
Also, there is a 350 dollar non-refundable electricity bill. NOT TRUE... so far.

My room is bigger than I expected. Still oh so small. Small environments make me feel cozy... and this space is way smaller than my last microscopic apartment, so I am really really snug and cozy. But I think I have enough space... for now. The closet has approximately 8 inches of space for hanging clothes... wha??

I am off to nap. Today's story will be told later. But, I am very happy to almost be unpacked and in Hoxton, which I just discovered is the coolest place in London.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Orientation is OVER!!! Long post, may be last 'till Monday.

All I have to do next week is do enrollment (all day) on Tuesay, where I will meet my profs, and do tedious administrative things!

Today was really nice. At orientation we didn't play dumb games, we just learned about the school. It is a pretty big school, so there are a lot of long lines and red tape for everything you need to do. Also, no one really cares to help you unless you look like you are about to cry or about to strangle them. It is a lot like IU, and I think I am going to really love it!!! Also, I talked to a microbiology undergraduate student who did the tour and she says all the biology labs are amazing! Wahoo. Ta-ta Jordan Hall 451!

I worked out my student loan issues. The problem (shortened for your attention span): I have to pay X sum of money to live in my dorms for the semester. However, I have to a. get the loan refund from the school. b. put it in my bank in America. c. get it back to the school.... all before my credit card is due!! A few Americans in my position went to ask about this and the guy at the finance office said that the States puts us in this situation, so the University always gives us more time to pay fees because of all the crap the federal goverment does with our money before we can see it. (It comes in 3 installments, so you can never actually pay all of what you need when you need to.) Anyway, this guy made my day!!

Last night insisted Tom and I meet at Holborn station because it is never crowded. Just as I was changing train lines to get there, the line CLOSED!! I had to run to Holborn and the station is PACKED with refugee tube riders- so there is no way to find Tom. After 30 minutes I really started to worry I wouldn't find him, then I look at my phone and Tom left me a message forty minutes earlier saying he will be 30 min late. :)

Then we hit a few pubs, 'watched' the England blow away Russia in soccer, and then managed to stay out late enough to just miss the last tube train. And my night train knowledge is not what it used to be.....

Earlier we went to a convenience store and this old-ish red faced British man looks me in the eye and says, "I am from Summerset." II am from Indiana, I say. "INDIA?!" Noop, sir, Indiana. "Is that in Northern England?" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

OK 2 min left on internet. No time to write e-mails.
KB: Make sure British Mark has my number!!!!
Parents: Call me tonight, .... TONIGHT.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Time changes ruin everything!

I had orientation almost all day today. But, I still feel like a big blob, hopefully because of jet lag. Or because we spent time doing things like playing 'people bingo.' Blah....

But, this guy did come up to me today during our FREE sandwich lunch and say, "I am from Slovakia, and I HATE sandwiches." That's like hating water. Am I right? Or pizza. There is a pizza for everyone out there! Just like sandwiches. So, of course, I am staying as far away as possible from that guy.

I have heard from some people that they can't get comments to work. I assume it is user error because it is my dad and Adam the Polish Man. :) But, you click on where it says "2(etc) comments," put your name (or anonymous, and just sign your name at the end of the comment), type your comment. Or--- Kris just write if I am wrong.

It is almost 4.30 here. I am meeting Tom at 7.00! Yay!
I don't have enough time to think about blogs when I am at this cafe!! I can't wait to have internet at HOME!!! Or, for that matter to have a home. FRIDAY!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am on Indiana time, still.

I couldn't fall asleep until 4 am last night. I bought Breakfast at Tiffany's to read on the plane and just sat and read it cover to cover last night...
I only have 4 min to write. Excuse the lack of organization and the randomness.
I bought a phone last night. I went with someone in my dorm and we had all of these questions that seem unreasonable to the man at the store. For instance, "How much does it cost to talk when someone calls me?" He was like nothing, you idiot. "Is there an activation fee?" Of course not, retard.

My friend and I hand over our credit cards to pay 29.99 pounds and he asked where our chips were. What are CHIPS?? Apparently they only take credit cards with chips.... huh. So then we had to pay an extra ten pound because we were paying in cash. Stupid!!!!!!

Then I went to buy a hairdryer at a small appliance store. Found a box that said hairdryer, straightener and curling iron: 9 pound. Great. I pick up the box and it is empty. A store clerk came over and asked if he could help me, blah blah blah. I handed him the box, he shook it. He asked the manager if they had it in stock. The manager said, "NO, it's just a BOX!" And then he turned to me ready to ring up a 9 pound empty box.

I start orientation tonight.

Must go.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I am thanking God that I have a better than decent sense of direction and a little experience in this town.

The flight was great. It wasn't full, and no one sat next to me. And I actually managed to sleep a bit. Unfortunately the woman in front of me spilled her vodka tonic all over the place. It spilled on her armrest so it all funneled back to me. She asked if any got on my things. I was like "Yes. There is vodka all over my backpack and shoes." She was like, 'Oh, I am so sorry.' I hope a bus hit her. I was already nursing a really nice hangover from the previous night and the last thing I wanted to do was sit there and smell vodka on an 8 hour flight.

I arrived at Gatwick and took the express train to Victoria Station. I knew the station was close to my dorm, so I decided splurge on a cab since I was carrying at least 90 pounds of luggage. I stood in the taxi line for 10 min., told him where I needed to go. He said "NO"! He told me that it was in walking distance and is right around the corner. 'which corner??' "that one over there." I just stood for a while, waiting for nothing. I finally asked someone at information for directions, and he couldn't believe the cab refused me. I believe the definition of 'walking distance' depends on many factors other than DISTANCE! I finally made it to my dorm, taking breaks every 50 feet or so.

The room wasn't ready until 2, so I had 2.5 hours to wonder. I just took off in a direction trying to kill time. I walked by Parliament, the Abbey, and finally Trafalgar square. I killed time in a coffee shop, etc. Walking back I was trying really hard to 1. look LEFT 2. Not get pickpocketed, considering how tired I was. And 3. retracing my steps exactly so I wouldn't get lost (all while looking left and not get pickpocketed).

Anyway, I picked up my cell phone, checked out my neighborhood near Old Street and have been enjoying the blur that is London on 3 hours of sleep.

Also, London smells strange. It kind of smells like some perfume my grandma would pick up at flea market. It's not so much bad, just weird. Why would a city smell of musk??

Must go! @internet cafe.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Hold the phone

I received a call yesterday from the student housing agent, and I was offered a place to stay from the waitlist. No more apartment hunting!

I also just closed down the local Elks Lodge, at a meager 11:00 pm.

I flew back from Florida yesterday. Mom and I almost missed our direct flight back to Indiana. I passed through customs swimmingly and was putting my belt, shoes, etc back on when I noticed my mom was not right behind me. I looked back and she was being detained by security. The STA agent came up to me and said, "Your mom failed the 'puff' test." I asked what the puff test tested for. He replied, "Explosives." I said, "Oh. I can't take her anywhere." He said she tested positive for nitroglycerine. ... Huh....

The end.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A sleeping bag and an Underground tunnel...

On Friday I finally received word about my student housing situation. I didn't get it!! Bollocks!! Where does that leave me? Apparently apartment hunting starting moments after my plane lands in a foreign country. Thank God I have an indomitable spirit. ...Right? Somehow I am kind of relieved. Maybe now I can find a place with a washer and dryer. It may also be character building. Clearly, I am pathetically practicing positive thinking. Cross your fingers for me, y'all! At least it should make blogging more interesting for the first few days!

Florida has been great! I've gotten lots of sunshine and lots of time with my grampa. It has also kept my mind off the fact that I'm a soon to be homeless kid in London and given me a smidgen of a tan. Monday was Labor Day and my big bro's birthday. We all went to a club that had 1$ drinks. -- Fabulous! Either the waitress was skimping on my drinks or I am finally in London drinking shape. (Most likely the first explanation.) My sister-in-law and I felt great, but brother and Kris were in b-a-d shape :)

I leave for Indiana tomorrow, for London on Sunday. Next week: I am going to see my boss Tom on Wednesday and Prince on Sunday!!!

Photo: Kris, yours truly, and my brother.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Nearly a student again.

I made a successful attempt to get a student visa at the Wrigley Building in Chicago, and am now set to go to the UK. My (once-)mental checklist of essential steps for moving to London goes as follows.

  • Acceptance Letter- Received February 15th.
  • Plane Ticket - Purchased sometime in July.
  • Student Visa - Chicago trip, Aug. 17th.
  • Housing - Near Old Street Tube station.
  • Tickets to see the Artist: Prince in London - concert is Sunday 16 of Sept (!!!)