Sunday, December 02, 2007

I am really busy.

I have 7,500 words due next week, as well as a 15 minute audio presentation. Therefore, I will be very busy and updating my blog with greater frequency to escape my studies.

Recently, I've been working on a ten minute presentation on polysaccharide conjugated vaccines. The research is exciting because I get to venture back into the microbiology section of the library, a part of my life I miss. And I love it, and mycobacteria, no matter how wrong that is. It's. Just. Cool.

Anyway, I was trying to organize my time earlier and found some interesting entries in my student planner. Many don't even make sense to me. See below.

10 Sept. - ARRIVE IN LDN!!!
11 Sept. - f*ck around 'till 5. eat food.
2 Oct. - M@~5. food.
4 Oct. - Dance socks off.
5 Oct. - Sleep socks off.
*9 Oct. - Laundry
Donald Rum.
1 Nov. - Wear a dress. food.
2 Nov. - Get Krunked?
3 Nov. - Sparklers! Jo's tea house. Streatham.
- Manish @ 8.
- Camden 4 Shar's birthday.
- sleep 4 eva.
**15 Nov. - Mad fix $. (Unhappy face) (Student loans crossed out twice).
26 Nov. - Donald Rum.

* My personal favorite. As you can see, Donald Rumsfeld gets 2 mentions in my student planner. Once right under the chore of laundry. I have no memory of writing Donald Rum. in my diary once, let alone twice. Nor do I understand why I would have done this. Thoughts?
** I believe I was to ask my friend Manish to organize my student loans. That never happened, and I am only a fraction of a percent sure that's what it means.

A nonsense blog. You like?

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