Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cellophane's Dead.

I don't want to read anymore journal articles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HPV HPV HPV HPV HPV times infinity!

On the upside it is 55 and sunny outside today. On the downside I am stuck in the library. At least I am next to a window on the 4th floor and I can stare up at the sky and the BT tower...

Making pie tonight for Tino's Christmas party on Friday that I most definitely shouldn't be going to.

I am thinking of things that I would like to have with me in London that I foolishly left at home. Can someone please find my stuffed microbe Borrelia burgdorferi? I'd really like to have a snuggle with it when I go to bed.

.... and I definitely got a B on that presentation... you know, the one I did on the wrong type of vaccine! Anyway, it could've been worse!

Pies are cooling in the window.


Anonymous said...

IT SNOWED IN BTOWN! not much and none to see though.

Michelle said...

It rained like hell here, then it was sunny, then it rained like hell again. Then it was sunny and there was a rainbow.

I can't get the text in the blog to be one size. wft?

Anonymous said...

be sure to bring empty suitcase with you and stuff you don't need.


Michelle said...

Why, are we putting Cornflake in the suitcase??

PS. Why don't you ever go on Yahoo IM anymore?