Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am on Indiana time, still.

I couldn't fall asleep until 4 am last night. I bought Breakfast at Tiffany's to read on the plane and just sat and read it cover to cover last night...
I only have 4 min to write. Excuse the lack of organization and the randomness.
I bought a phone last night. I went with someone in my dorm and we had all of these questions that seem unreasonable to the man at the store. For instance, "How much does it cost to talk when someone calls me?" He was like nothing, you idiot. "Is there an activation fee?" Of course not, retard.

My friend and I hand over our credit cards to pay 29.99 pounds and he asked where our chips were. What are CHIPS?? Apparently they only take credit cards with chips.... huh. So then we had to pay an extra ten pound because we were paying in cash. Stupid!!!!!!

Then I went to buy a hairdryer at a small appliance store. Found a box that said hairdryer, straightener and curling iron: 9 pound. Great. I pick up the box and it is empty. A store clerk came over and asked if he could help me, blah blah blah. I handed him the box, he shook it. He asked the manager if they had it in stock. The manager said, "NO, it's just a BOX!" And then he turned to me ready to ring up a 9 pound empty box.

I start orientation tonight.

Must go.


Unknown said...


Kris was so great to me last night. When he came home he opened all the windows and gave me a pillow in front of the bedroom window. I was so happy I just kept talking to Kris from the other room. Then he would come in and say hi and I would scream HI!! Then he would pet me and I slept there all night long. He's so great

Michelle said...

Be careful, Noria. Sometimes your "HI" noises sound like bitchy cat screams.
MISSYOU!!!! and your fuzzy brother. And your yellow stepbrother.

Unknown said...


I was mad at Chris yesterday so I dumped his glass of water all over his nightstand. Im not sure why I am mad at him....probably cuz he won't get rid of those other mangy cats.
